Sunday 21 August 2016

DIY Beauty Recipes

Many beauty products are very costly. Many, rightly so, but with others, you could probably get away with making your own version with cheaper ingredients and it would work just as well. Here is my list of things that have worked for me.


Face Mask: There are hundreds of DIY face masks you can make but this is the recipe a return to most often. The first thing to note is that I have combination skin.

You'll Need:
  • a quarter avocado
  • a tablespoon of coconut oil
  • a tablespoon of honey
  • a blender/food processor (optional)
Just mix the ingredients together and slather it on your face. The avocado and coconut oil moisturize while the honey is antibacterial and clears pimples.

Makeup Brush Cleaner: Plenty of makeup brush cleaners are sold but often I find they are watered down, overpriced,or just hard to get ahold of. I've found a simple way to clean and maintain your brushes.

You'll Need:
  • dish soap
  • coconut oil
  • a bar of soap
Mix the dish soap and coconut oil together and run your bushes through massaging the mixture in. You'll know the brushes are clean when you can squeeze the brushed without coloured soap coming through. thoroughly rinse the brushes. The bar of soap comes in handy for your beauty blenders and other makeup sponges. Simply scrub the sponge until it looks clean and then rinse it, making sure all the soap is out. Let everything dry completely.


Hair Mask: Just like the face mask there are infinite ways to do this but this recipe works best for my thick dry hair.

You'll Need:
  • 1 egg yolk (as separated from the yolk as possible
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
Mix together the ingredients. The egg strengthens hair while the coconut oil moisturizes and the lemon juice clears product buildup. Leave in for 15 minutes then rinse in cold water. If the water is too warm it could start to cook the egg and then you'll be picking scrambled egg out of your hair.

Detangler: My hair tangles so easily, just minutes after my hair is brushed through there are more knots. I find myself going through store bought detangler too quickly and I've found that this DIY method works well.

You'll Need:
  • A small spray bottle (you can get this from the dollar store or use an old one)
  • conditioner
  • warm water
Add the water and  conditioner to the spray bottle and mix well. Then just spray on your hair. When using again, pop the bottle in the microwave for a few second to warm back up as it works best that way.


Body/Lip Scrub: As you've probably noticed, most of this DIYs include coconut oil, and that because it's a miracle moisturizer.

You'll Need:
  • 2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar
Make sure the coconut oil is melted and has no lumps and then mix in the sugar. In the bath or shower lightly rub the mixture into your skin. You can then rub/shave it off. For the lip scrub just use 1 tablespoon if coconut oil to 1 teaspoon of sugar, rub gently into your lips and then wash off.

Bath Bombs: This is a very simple recipe to which you can add any scents or colours you'd like.

You'll Need:
  • 1 cup citric acid (or 1/2 cup cream of tartar)
  • 2 cups baking soda
  • essential oil in the scent of choice (20 ish drops)
  • food colouring as needed
  • a tiny bit of water
  • spray bottle
  • molds (optional)
Mix the citric acid and baking soda together well, sift in if necessary. Add your oil and food colouring, mix well breaking up any clumps. Then start spraying the surface with some water. Do this until the texture is like slightly wet sand. Then back into the mold or compact together. Let dry overnight and store in a dry place.

So those are the ones I make on a regular basis but if you have any simple DIYs to share, add them in the comments below. Thank you for reading and I'll see you next time!

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