Saturday 17 September 2016

bullet journaling

Bullet journaling is hard as hell. You need to be good at sticking to things, have neat handwriting, and a super busy schedule.

That's what I thought at first. Despite not fitting into any of my perceived categories, I started anyways. There are definitely some  personal pros and cons but overall I enjoy my bullet journal

Pros and Cons


  • Cheap-Sure you can go and spend lots of money on the best notebook, pens, and fine liners, but overall, you can just you have.
  • Customizable- in store-bought planners, there's always a couple features I never use... and features I wish were included.
  • Compact- obviously this depends on the size of your journal but one medium sized journal definitely is better than juggling a planner, notebook, and diary.
  • Stands out- when you're at your desk and you haven have everything you need to take care of in front of you, it may be easy to lose track of the little notes and reminders in your phone. When you have a physical journal in front of you, it stands out.

  • hard work- granted, most of the work comes while constructing your journal, but some people may not be up for it.
  • Time consuming- once again, this tends to lessen after you get into a habit, but you still have to set aside time each day to go through
That's what I've found after about weeks of bullet journaling and now that I've started school, maybe my opinions will change. So far, despite my tendency to forget, my terrible handwriting, and my lazy side, I've found my bullet journal to be a great addition to my day.

Thursday 1 September 2016

Keeping off the Freshman 15

Hi guys!

So the past little while has been hectic and with school starting next week I've decided to repost a post I made on my old blog Highlighters and Tea. This post is not about losing weight but can help with that too. mainly it's about staying healthy in a time of bug changes, stress, and often a low budget.

I will be the fist to admit that I am definitely not the authority on health. I have an unhealthy addiction to chocolate, the thought of running makes me cringe, and no one can describe me as "fit". Despite this, this post is extremely important for others as well as myself. Seeing as I have limited knowledge on this topic, I have scoured the Internet for other resources and have compiled them into a useful guide for both you, the reader and me, the author.


Though it is dreaded and seemingly impossible to be a gym rat while in college and possibly having a part-time job, you can include fitness into your everyday life.

There are many reasons why it is important to exercise, including health, improved academics, and improved mood. So many college and university student find time to exercise that there is hardly an excuse not to. To read how other students do it and find inspiration, look no further than this article.

Here are some more tips and links to make exercising a bit easier;

  • Learn to love running. I hate running with a passion, but these tips make it a bit less excruciating (X
  • Incorporate exercise into everyday tasks. If you're doing these things already, why don't you spice it up a bit? (X) (X)
  • Have fun. Exercise with a friend or by yourself, as long as you're interested in the activity
  • Lookup instructional videos like Blogilates on Youtube (X)
  • Look for free classes. Even if they 're not hosted by the school, look for ads by the community or from local gyms. (X)
  • Join a club or sport. Whether it's dance, soccer, or tennis, as long as you're heartbeat is up, it helps! (X)
  • Take a hike. If you're lucky enough to have some greenery around your campus or nearby, explore it. Nature will also help you relax and you may find a cool study spot. (X)
  • If your school has a gym, make use of it! Luckily my tuition pays for free use of the gym, so I'll have a place to go in the winter.
  • Make a routine. once you've made something a routine, it's much harder to give up... especially if you enjoy it! (X)
  • Yoga. It's not for everyone, but it 's a great way to relax and tone up after all that cardio you'll be doing! Tip: for an extra kick, try hot yoga!


While the above is great, apparently fitness is only 30% exercise and 70% what you eat. This can be frustrating living on a student's budget and schedule... double that if you're in dorms. While it may be difficult, again it's not impossible.

While there are many roadblocks, there are also many resources to help you eat well;
  • Figure out what's in season. This will save both your taste buds and your wallet (X)
  • Drink lot's of water. I'm really bad at this myself, I really only enjoy drinking water if it has an enhancer in it like Mio or crystal light. This app will help you keep track as you take care of a cute plant (X)
  • Visit your local farmer's market. It will liven up you day, and if you go closer to closing, you may get a few end of the day deals (X)
  • Look for healthy options in the cafeteria. This is essential if you have a meal plan. keep track of the extra carbs and also take a fruit. (X)
  • Snacking is ok! As long as it's somewhat healthy like a granola bar, fruit, etc. (X)
  • Check out this $2 meal. A dollar tree just opened up near me so I may take this advice one day when I'm low on time. (X)
  • Focus on doing well --> not perfect. Face the fact that you're not going to have a perfect diet. As long as you're doing well, you don't have to do perfectly (X)
  • Go Paleo. It's inexpensive, tasty, and simple (X)
  • Mug+Microwave= Happiness. Don't get me started on mug meals... Quiche, Soup, Chili, Cake ... 
  • Routine. If you eat at relatively the same time each day, it will help your metabolism greatly and establish eating habits (X)
  • Eat Breakfast. You've probably heard this tip 10000000 times and there's a good reason for that. It's Important.
  • Avoid eating late. It's harder to burn off. (X)
  • Avoid calorie-filled alcohol. Whether the drinking age is 18, 19, 21, or anything else, you'll probably be of age at some point during college. avoid the extra calories if possible. Tip: water+Vodka+Mio...
  • Get creative. Google is your friend, use resources to avoid the pounds. (X)
  • Check out this suggested shopping list. Just some essentials. (X)

Other Health Tips

There are other health concerns to consider as you start college.
  • Avoid Stress. I know, I know... easier said than done. But by avoiding procrastination and getting help, you could be doing your immune system a solid (X)
  • Get enough sleep. There will be all-nighters and there will be 2 hour nights but keep them to a minimum and use this app to keep track of your sleep (X)
  • Don't check the scale too often. Unless you're trying to lose/gain weight, don't check your weight more than once a month. In reality, your weight will fluctuate and there's nothing you can do about it. as long as you're exercising, eating well, and feel good, all they are, are numbers.
  • Get tested and use protection. Your sexual health is just as important as everything else (X)
  • Visit the clinic. If you're sick, get help. It's better to miss a day with only a sore throat, than two weeks with strep. (X)
  • Take care of your mental health. It 's as important as your physical health, if not more. Take rest days when needed and make use of school counsellors. I'll make a more in detailed post regarding mental health another time. (X)
So this is all for now, let me know what you think and if you have any other tips. Please share!